ACCA PER Examples: 40+ Practical Examples

Our ACCA PER examples provide a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring accountants to navigate their practical experience requirements.

This blog delves into the heart of what it takes to not only meet but excel in fulfilling these requirements. It showcases a variety of real-world applications and reflections that highlight the depth and breadth of skills and knowledge necessary for success in the accounting and finance profession.

About the ACCA PER

  1. PER Completion : The ACCA requires 36 months of practical experience in a relevant role to ensure that members are well-rounded professionals with real-world experience. This requirement underscores the importance of applying theoretical knowledge in practice.
  2. PER Objectives : The PER includes 9 Essential and 4 Options performance objectives. A practical experience supervisor must sign off each objective, ensuring that candidates demonstrate proficiency in critical accountancy, finance, and management areas.
  3. Supervised Experience : A practical experience supervisor is needed to verify a candidate's experience. This underlines the mentorship and quality assurance aspects of the PER, ensuring that experiences are relevant and adequately guided.
  4. Flexible Experience : While the ACCA requires 36 months of practical experience, the framework's flexibility allows a wide range of roles and sectors to count towards this requirement. This reflects the diverse career paths available to ACCA members.

Jump straight to

  1. Top tips for crafting your ACCA PER
  2. ACCA PER ethics and professionalism example
  3. Leadership and management acca per examples
  4. Examples of Personal Effectiveness
  5. Strategy and innovation ACCA PER example
  6. Examples of Financial Accounting and Reporting Objectives
  7. Examples of Performance Measurement and Management Accounting objectives
  8. Examples of Finance and Financial Management objectives
  9. Examples of Audit and Assurance objectives
  10. Examples of Taxation objectives
  11. How to write your ACCA PER

Top Tips for Crafting Your ACCA PER

  1. Explain What You Did : Start with a clear action statement.
  2. Provide Examples : Give one or two concrete tasks you've personally worked on.
  3. Describe the Skills You Gained : How did these tasks help you achieve your objective?
  4. Reflect : Share what you learned, what went well, and what could have been better.

ACCA PER Examples: 40 questions with answers

ACCA PER ethics and professionalism example

How did you handle a situation where the company's profit motives conflicted with ethical practices?

Describe an initiative you undertook to enhance your company's governance framework.

Describe when you had to advocate for integrity over profit in your organization.

How did you contribute to reinforcing the culture of ethical behaviour within your team or organization?

Leadership and management acca per examples

Describe a situation where you had to lead a team through a challenging period to ensure the continuation of critical finance operations.

Model Answer:

How did you contribute to developing and implementing a new strategic initiative within your finance department?

Model Answer:

Provide an example of how you mentored a junior colleague to enhance their skills and contribute more effectively to the finance team.

Model Answer:

Personal Effectiveness ACCA PER example

Share how you managed high stress and tight deadlines without compromising work quality.

Discuss a time when your communication significantly influenced the outcome of a project.

Explain how you managed a critical project under significant time pressure.

Describe a situation in which you had to adapt your communication style to effectively convey a message to a diverse audience.

Strategy and innovation acca per example

Describe your approach to leading a team through a significant organizational change.

How did you identify and implement a strategy to improve your department's performance?

How did you handle a significant operational challenge that threatened to derail your department's objectives?

Describe an innovative approach you used to boost your team's productivity.

Financial Accounting and Reporting ACCA per example

Explain how you prepared financial statements under new accounting standards.

Detail how you navigated the transition to a new financial reporting standard within your organization.

Stakeholder relationship management ACCA PER examples

Describe a complex financial transaction you interpreted for non-finance stakeholders.

How did you enhance the clarity and usefulness of financial statements for stakeholders unfamiliar with accounting practices?

Performance Measurement and Management Accounting ACCA PER examples

How did you adapt financial reporting during an unexpected market shift to better inform management decision-making?

Describe a process you developed for more efficient budget planning and production.

Describe an initiative you led that significantly improved the cost-effectiveness of a project.

How did you contribute to refining your organization's budgeting process for better accuracy and control?

Finance and Financial Management ACCA PER examples

Explain how you evaluated a complex investment opportunity for your organization.

How have you optimized your organization's cash management practices?

Share how you assessed and mitigated financial risk in a significant investment decision.

Describe your strategy for optimizing the organization’s liquidity without compromising operational needs.

Audit and Assurance ACCA PER examples

Share your strategy for preparing for an audit that led to a significant reduction in discrepancies.

Describe how you improved the audit report's clarity and usefulness for stakeholders.

How did you prepare your team for a rigorous external audit, ensuring a smooth and efficient process?

Describe a situation where your insights from an audit report led to significant business improvements.

Taxation ACCA PER examples

Detail a complex tax computation you managed that resulted in significant savings for your company.

How did you assist in strategic tax planning to support your company’s growth objectives?

Explain how you navigated a complex tax compliance issue that resulted in savings for your organization.

How did your strategic tax planning contribute to your organization's long-term financial goals?

How to write an ACCA PER

Step 1: Prepare

Before writing, reflect on your experiences that align with the performance objectives. Discussing your progress with your supervisor can also provide valuable insights.

Example 1: Management Accounting

"I led a budget revision exercise for a key project, analyzing variances and proposing adjustments to align with our strategic goals."

Step 2: Write

Keep your writing concise, jargon-free, and specific. Focus on actions you've personally taken.

Example 2: Strategy, Innovation, and Sustainable Value Creation

"I initiated a sustainability review in our operations, leading to a 20% reduction in energy consumption through strategic changes."

Feedback to Consider

"Your example on team improvement is valuable, but for management accounting, a more relevant example would be your involvement in the budgeting process."

Step 3: Review

Ensure your statement aligns with the objective's description, clearly state your contribution, and provide specific work-related examples.

Example 3: Ethics and Professionalism

"Confronted with a supplier conflict of interest, I navigated the ethical dilemma by enforcing our code of conduct, leading to a transparent re-evaluation process."

Step 4: Submit

Inform your supervisor about your submission, provide them with the necessary resources, and agree on a review timeframe.

Example 4: Audit and Assurance

"Participating in an internal audit, I identified discrepancies in inventory management, improving the accuracy of our financial reporting."

Closing comments

Crafting your ACCA performance objective statements with clarity and depth is crucial for demonstrating your practical experience and competence. By focusing on specific examples of your work, the skills you gained, and reflecting on your learning journey, you'll meet the ACCA's requirements and pave the way for a successful career in accounting and finance.

Remember, each statement is a step towards fulfilling your professional potential—make it count!