Online liquor license application in delhi


Licensees are requested not to use any kind of script or tool, software application and/or automated tool to access the ESCIMS portal except accessing through a human/ manually entering the details.

Licensees are requested not to divulge their User-ID / Password of ESCIMS login to any other person(s).

Licensees are hereby directed to access to and/or use of ESCIMS portal in compliance with guidelines procedures and instructions related to the proper use of ESCIMS portal as notified from time to time by the Department of Excise, Delhi.

In case of any breach or non observance by Licensee of any of these terms and conditions, the department may terminate the license, and/or restrict the licensees access to ESCIMS portal and use of this site without any notice.

User Login

Please Click Here to view communications from Excise Department regarding Office Orders/Training Plan/ESCIMS Changes etc.

Click Here to view User Manual for Event Registration (Form 5, 6 & 14) through ESCIMS.

Click Here P-10 Premise List

Click Here List Of Liquor Vends
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Application Developed by : TCS
Maintained By : I.T. Branch, Excise Dept, Govt. of NCT of Delhi-110002 (w.e.f. 01.03.2024)
Terms and Conditions Copyright © 2013 : The Department of Excise, Entertainment
& Luxury Tax, GNCTD. All Rights Reserved.
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(Email)   excisesupport[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in