Civil Rights Act of 1964 Facts & Worksheets

Civil Rights Act of 1964 facts and information activity worksheet pack and fact file. Includes 5 activities aimed at students 11-14 years old (KS3) & 5 activities aimed at students 14-16 year old (GCSE). Great for home study or to use within the classroom environment.

School History > Modern World > Civil Rights Act of 1964 Facts & Worksheets

Download Civil Rights Act of 1964 Worksheets

Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be able to teach Civil Rights Act of 1964 to your students?

Our worksheet bundle includes a fact file and printable worksheets and student activities. Perfect for both the classroom and homeschooling!

Resource Examples

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Fact File

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Resource 1

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Resource 2

Student Activities

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Activity & Answer Guide 1

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Actvity & Answer Guide 2

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Student Activities & Answer Guide 3

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Student Activities & Answer Guide 4

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Key Facts And Information

Let’s know more about Civil Rights Act of 1964!

The Reconstruction Era

“Separate but Equal”: Jim Crow Era

Civil Rights Movement

The Role of John F. Kennedy

The Role of Lyndon B. Johnson

The Civil Rights Act of 1964