The new nurse survival kit

Hop over to Pinterest and you will find oodles of fun ideas for new nurse survival kits . Filled with both the practical—compression socks, bandage scissors, high-performance pens, hair bands, gum/mints—and the playful, like statement water bottles, monogrammed caddies, gourmet snacks, and funky lanyards , there’s tons of ways to arm yourself with all that you’ll need for your first job.

But these items only scratch the surface of what a new nurse truly needs to survive.

Think about it—you’re only just coming up for air from the intensity that is nursing school. Landing your first job continues that adrenaline rush to some degree, but, let’s face it—nursing has changed over the past year and a half since the arrival of Sars-CoV-2. And today’s modern nurse must be prepared to equip themselves with way more than slick writing utensils and pen lights in order to survive.


That’s where we come in.

Below you’ll find a list of what it really takes to survive—no, thrive—as a new nurse. The kinds of things that will empower you and enable you to grow into your new role without losing yourself along the way.

Reason being—we need good nurses more than ever before. The kinds of nurses who understand that self-care is more than Sunday brunch and a bubble-bath. We’re talking an eyes-wide-open brand of nurse here. And since there’s no room for “nurses eating their young” in today’s healthcare climate anymore, we’re here to shine a light on what really matters.

So, without further ado, and as a token of our gratitude, here’s what the nurses we want to work with ought to have in their survival kits…


So there you have it. Everything a new nurse needs to thrive. It’s no secret that our current frontline workforce is exhausted, depleted, and burnt out. And as desperate a situation that you may be walking into, nevertheless, you are the heroes in this storyline. We will gladly pass you the baton, and in return, you’ll gain a perspective that no nurses have had ever before. The kind that is going to be talked about, revered, and respected for decades to come. YOU are the ones we’ve been waiting for! So fill those thrive kits to the brim and c’mon.