The ninth edition of Electronics: Principles and Applications is based on the same philosophy of previous editions. It continues to be written so that a student needs no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles and at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills can gain a clear understanding and the entry-level knowledge and skills for a wide range of occupations within electricity and electronics.
1. Introduction
2. Semiconductors
3. Diodes
4. Power Supplies
5. Transistors
6. Introduction to Small-Signal Amplifiers
7. More about Small-Signal Amplifiers
8. Large-Signal Amplifiers
9. Operational Amplifiers
10. Troubleshooting
11. Oscillators
12. Communications
13. Integrated Circuits
14. Electronic Control Devices and Circuits
15. Regulated Power Supplies
16. Digital Signal Processing
Appendix A: Solder and the Soldering Process