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We use Google Analytics to measure how you use the website so we can improve it based on user needs. We do not allow Google Analytics to use or share the data about how you use this site.

See our Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics
Name Purpose Expires
_ga These help us count how many people visit by tracking if you’ve visited before 2 years
_gid These help us count how many people visit by tracking if you’ve visited before 24 hours
_gat These help us to manage how we collect analytics when we have lots of visitors on the site at one time 10 minutes

Google Analytics Events

We use Google Analytics events to measure clicks within the pages and extended usage of the site

See our Google Analytics Events cookies

Google Analytics Events
Name Purpose Expires
_ga These help us count how many people visit by tracking if you’ve visited before 2 years

Essential cookies

All users

These cookies will always need to be on because they make our site work.

See our All users cookies

All users
Name Purpose Expires
wordpress_test_cookie This is used to test whether the browser accepts cookies When you close your browser
PHPSESSID This is used to link your device to the information sent to the server from your browser. It is typically used to avoid you having to retype information when moving from one page to another. When you close your browser
ccfw-banner-hidden Lets us know you have chosen which cookies are used so we can stop the cookie banner appearing when you return to the site. 1 year
ccfw-gtm-allowed Lets us know you have accepted certain cookies so we can stop them loading when you return to the site. 1 year
ccfw-time This is used to store the cookie expiry dates so we know when to ask you again for consent. 1 year
ccfw_gtm_id This cookie is used to link the cookie consent banner to Google Tag Manager 1 year

Logged in users

These cookies apply when users log in. They will always be on because they make our site work.

See our Logged in users cookies

Logged in users
Name Purpose Expires
wordpress_[hash] This authenticates you when you log in to the admin area When you close your browser
wordpress_logged_in This shows the site that you’re logged in and who you are so you can access the functions you need When you close your browser
wordpress_sec If you are logged in as a site admin, this stores your authentication details. When you close your browser
wp-settings--[UID] The number on the end [UID] is your individual user ID from the users database. 1 year