Terms of Employment

The Terms of Employment (Information) Act, 1994 (as amended) provides, among other matters, for the issue to employees of certain statements of terms of employment. These statements are as follows:

Since 16 December 2022, new legislation introduced an expanded definition of “contract of employment” and, therefore, the Act applies to any person

In the case of agency workers, the party who pays the wages is the employer for the purposes of this Act and is responsible for providing the written statement.

Day 5 Statement of Terms (Section 3(1A) Statement)

An employer must notify each new employee, in writing, within five days of commencement of employment, of the following core terms of employment:

  1. the full names of the employer and the employee;
  2. the address of the employer or of the principal place of business in the State;
  3. the place of work, or where there is no fixed or main place of work, a statement specifying that the employee is employed at various places or is free to determine his or her place of work or to work at various places;
  4. the title, grade, nature or category of work for which the employee is employed or a brief description of the work;
  5. the date of commencement of the contract of employment;
  6. the duration and conditions relating to a probationary period, if applicable;
  7. the expected duration of the contract, in the case of a temporary contract, or the end date if the contract is a fixed-term contract;
  8. the remuneration, including the initial basic amount, any other component elements, if applicable, indicated separately, the frequency and method of payment of the remuneration to which the employee is entitled and the pay reference period for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000;
  9. the number of hours the employer reasonably expects the employee to work per normal working day and per normal working week;
  10. any terms and conditions relating to hours of work (including overtime);
  11. If applicable, the employer’s policy on the manner in which tips or gratuities and mandatory charges are treated.

Written Statement of Terms (Section 3(1) Statement)

An employer must also provide each new employee with a written statement of terms of employment within one month of commencement of employment. The written statement must include the following: