Administrative Policies for Employees

Administrative policies inform employees of the office's rules, the business's expectations and values, and HR-related issues such as paid time off and health insurance eligibility. Administrative policies must cover a wide array of needs within the business and serve as a guide for how it operates. When establishing administrative policies, consider the purpose of each proposed policy, the business as a whole and its long-term goals.

Importance of Administrative Policies

Clear and concise administrative policies can greatly influence a business's success. They ensure that administration and employees are on the same page by creating uniformity across departments, procedures and cultures.

Administrative policies promote a positive, safe and productive work environment. Every company is different, so every company's specific policies will differ. That said, many organizations share similar needs when it comes to HR regulations.

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Dual Nature of Administrative Policies

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When drawing up a list of administrative policies, always consider their dual nature. These regulations must deal with what the company expects from the employees and what the employees should expect from the company. Never forget your employees or their needs when creating policies.

In addition, remember that employees could become overwhelmed if too many policies – or those that are too restrictive – are put in place. This can lead to stifled creativity and low morale. On the flip side, policies that are too flexible or that are open-ended can lead to confusion.

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Legal Requirements for HR Policies

Certain HR policies are required by law, such as the Department of Labor's equal employment opportunity, anti-harassment, family and sick leave, and pay policies. These government administrative policies may depend on local state laws and the number of employees, so verify with an HR professional what your company is required to lay out in an employee handbook. These policies dictate the legal obligations of the employer as well as the rights of the employees.

Policies that detail employee and culture expectations are intended to create or maintain the desired work environment. They can include behavioral expectations, dress code, discipline for violations, business hours and annual office closures. Administrative policies and procedures should never compromise employee safety, explains OSHA.

Setting Administrative Policies and Procedures

Administrative policies should be clearly stated in a handbook given to employees when they start work with your company. To avoid any possible misunderstandings, keep policies and procedures short and easy to read. Be sure to receive written confirmation that employees have read the handbook through an email, a signed document or another method to ensure accountability.

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Consistency is critical when setting administrative policies. All regulations should be in keeping with previously set policies, the company's values and current laws. Typically enforced by a company's human resources department, policies should be applied equitably, regardless of employee rank or tenure.

Labor laws can be complicated and confusing, so seek help from experts if a quandary arises. Administrative policies should be written by an expert who is well versed in the policy's subject and familiar with the business's protocols and values. To ensure that employees are well-represented in policymaking, include a representative from your staff in the process.

Reviewing Administrative Policies

Always review administrative policies, not only before enacting them but afterward and periodically. As the business grows and the surrounding world changes, new needs will arise. Sometimes, new laws take effect that influence how the business needs to operate. In such cases, make sure all employees are notified of policy changes and provide written confirmation that they have read them.

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Establishing administrative policies is a big task and must be done thoroughly and appropriately. However, that does not mean that it should be daunting. With the proper help, a set of clear and concise administrative policies can prove invaluable over the life span of your business. When such policies can evolve with the business, the business can remain easily organized as it grows.
